Thursday, March 01, 2007

For you I should

Forever I can.
For you I should.
In this eternal silence,
longing for you.
In the game,
guessing your next move.
In the love,
waiting for one moment.
Digging up and burying
those memories
you gave
and those
you took away.
Breaking up and moving closer.
Breaking down and denying it.
Being right next to you
and feeling far away.
Saying all that
you want to hear
and hiding all that
I want to say.
I can.
For you I would.
Will I?


Anonymous said...

And the poem fest continues :)... Good one, FJ...
//Being right next to you
and feeling far away//... Wow... I mean... Wow... :D ... very "Dil se"...

Blade bala said...

I just love your break-up of the thoughts in bits. You are really an elegant phrase-breaker! Just an elegant break at the right point!

Let the blog world and its readers get flooded with your poems!

Anai said...

@ Nas
And vice versa is true too..//being far way and feeling right next to you// Thanks Nas..

@ Bala
Mostly I write for myself and friends like you.. I dont have any big plans :D

Venkat C said...

throwed -> threw.. I need grammar classes..any volunteers?

Venkat C said...

And "venkat" account is mine too..I use it in exceptional moments when I feel too lazy to switch accounts

astrocrazy2005 said...

This poem actually emphasizes the uncertainity of future...I was actually thinking about the use of promises and then luckily read ur poem.
All those who make you and break you
May be I will may be I wont:)

Venkat C said...

True.. I may or may not :) good to know that you were thinking in the same lines...Thanks astrocrazy.. keep coming

P said...

Love the way you crisp, to the point, yet so elegant the way in which you put your thoughts to words..

Venkat C said...

Thanks Perspective, I love your posts too. There is a depth in all your posts.