Friday, August 07, 2020

A doll

Contour of a face,
tiny and innocent.
A creation so divine,
blissful and serene.

A look of wonder,
a dance on the arm,
slept like a doll,
in a world that swung.

A will to explore,
a mind too strong.


Millions of years of evolution taught otherwise. 
Being the only species which can commit it, 
is not special. 
Pulling the trigger with the machine pointed to brain,
 is the ultimate struggle. 
The command center has to give an order to destroy itself. 
It's a difference of a split second, 
between this side and the other. 
Hope of something better on the other side? 
Or the blind confidence that anything is better than this side? 
The finger is all set to pull the trigger. 
A solution that solves all problems. 
All problems imagined, 
a universe created from nothing.