Thursday, November 30, 2023

Upside down - Anaika Reddy

 When the world turned upside down,

we would drink fire,

instead of water.

We would wear springs 

instead of rings.

The poorest people lived like kings.

Bubbles become unpoppable,

Evil becomes unstoppable.

In India, they use dollars,

peasants had 1000 followers.

Mangos grew in America.

India was where you could find Hass avocados.

Handstands became headstands.

Water was used to cook food.

Everyone wore colored hoods.

People used to have pet hats,

On their head were 1 or 2 cats.

Spring became summer,

And Summer became spring.

Winter and autumn loved kings.

This was the time when the world turned upside down.


Twisted imagination about impossibilities,
weird combinations and unrelated characters,
chaos and jumbled time frames,
crowds and eeriness,
devils of the past,
keys to the future.


I didn't run from war nor famine nor dictators. There was no immediate emergency. I didn't come to stay forever. I came to showcase my mind to the highest bidder. I left behind love and friends. In that sense, I am unlike other nomads. In another sense, I am a global nomad. I belong nowhere. But I belong everywhere. I collect impressions. I learn and move on. After reaching a point in life, it is not about the future. It is about what we leave behind.