Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The feel of the place

A journey started nowhere
to a destination unknown.
It ended in a place undiscovered.
It led to a path through the thick woods.
Sun was blocked,
may be by the clouds,
may be by the leaves.
Little drops of rain
cascaded through the branches.
Clouds they were, then.
Sound of water in the streams,
Hypnosis in disguise.
The smell of wet earth again.
Too many memories rush by.
A friend to walk along.
Intersecting paths.
The fear of getting lost,
And the joy of adventure.
The relief to come back
to the intersection where we lost.
The identity of familiarity.
The joy of the known
and the excitement of the unknown.
Driving on the edge,
daring to fall,
but hanging on.
The feel of the place
that is all that remains.


Anonymous said...

Excellent !!! :D

Blade bala said...

Man oh man! unbelievable!
Its like Lara breaking his own records!

Amazing poem! Keep them coming!

Vijayalakhmi said...

very good one...i was lost in woods once again!!!

astrocrazy2005 said...

nostalgia for the past ..and suprise for the future

Venkat C said...

Thank you.

@Blade bala
U r turning out to be mine biggest fan.. its too much pressure on me to keep delivering he he.. keep coming man and a big THANKS!

Being the friend who walked by, I was most scared of your reaction.. Great that u liked it.. :D

yes, in short thats what it is..but the post has a lot on the present too..